Timi Studios as the developer of Call of Duty: Mobile said that the elimination of zombie mode was due to the quality which was considered not good. “We have always said that this is a limited feature, but does not mention the date of that explicit,” wrote Tim Studios in community updates in Call of Duty: Mobile. “But, this mode does not reach the quality at the level we want,” he added. In addition, Timi Studios also ensures that the second zombie mode map called Nach Der Untoten will not be released globally. But they did not rule out the possibility of bringing these features back to Call of Duty: Mobile in the future. “We might bring this mode back, with Nacht Der Untoten, once we can ensure that the quality is quite high. But for now, we will focus on developing Multiplayer, Battel Royale and Ranking Mode,” he explained. But with the launch of the new season that began this March, Call of Duty: Mobile has prepared a few surprises. With a new battle pass, players can get a new character, Soap from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. In addition, players can also try out a new map called Cage. The Hardpoint feature has also been upgraded from the previous one to only become a permanent feature.

Call of Duty  Mobile Will Lose Zombie Mode  - 77Call of Duty  Mobile Will Lose Zombie Mode  - 56Call of Duty  Mobile Will Lose Zombie Mode  - 43Call of Duty  Mobile Will Lose Zombie Mode  - 10Call of Duty  Mobile Will Lose Zombie Mode  - 34