As an approved Adsense publisher, I’m sure there are certain things not clear to you about Adsense, nevertheless, I am going to explain everything based on my experience right below this paragraph. To those that have Google approve their Adsense publisher application to enable them to monetise their websites/blogs, I’m most likely certain you’ve landed on this article because you need to know how fast it takes Google Adsense PIN to be delivered to your Nigerian address or how the Adsense PIN-Code Mailer looks like? While you’re waiting for Google address verification PIN to arrive, here is how long I waited for mine and when it finally arrived, I took a quick photo shoot of what Google Adsense verification PIN mailer looks like.

Here’s it…

How long will it take the Google Adsense Verification PIN Mailer to arrive Nigeria?

I waited over 60 days (more than 2 months) before my PIN was sent to my resident in Lagos, Nigeria. I requested for this PIN sometimes in November 2016 (not sure about the exact date but it’s obviously Mid-November). Normally, Google Adsense PIN for address verification typically arrives 2 to 4 weeks after requesting but keep in that it differs across many countries. (To find out when you can request a new PIN, sign into your account and check your “Account information” page.) After waiting impatiently for my Google AdSense verification PIN Mailer, I had to re-apply for my PIN to be sent, the case of reapplying / re-requesting for my Adsense Verification PIN happened over and over. I remember requesting it about three times since the first request took place November last year. However, Google just made sure I got my PIN after the long wait. My PIN was intact and unsealed but looks rusty and a little dirty (see pictures below). Those were less of a concern because the 6 digits verification PIN was received. Problems with PIN? Click here.

What does Google AdSense Verification PIN Mailer Look Like?

Well, after being clouded with the joy of finally getting my Adsense Verification PIN Mailer, I took a picture of it. This photo is not professionally shot, so bear with it. Here’s what the Adsense Verification PIN look like: The photos above are typical Google Adsense Verification PIN mailer sample sent to my residence in Lagos, Nigeria.

In conclusion:

If you are yet to receive your Google Adsense Verification PIN Mailer, do exercise patience and not worry, I’m sure it’s coming. Now that you have an exact idea of how an AdSense Verification PIN Mailer should look, you can just tell a few of your neighbours living on the same street to help you check if it was mistakenly sent to their houses. check my website Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that! Once you have reached the account balance verification threshold then wait for a week to receive the AdSense PIN. Adsense generally delivers in two weeks but it can be take the more weeks depend on your location. Wait for four month and if you still not receive the AdSense PIN then you should request for new AdSense PIN. Every PINS are unique. If you have requested for new pin and suddenly got the first PIN then you can also enter the first PIN. It will work to verify your address. All three request generates letter with the same PIN so it doesn’t matter which arrives first to you. But after all trials and you still haven’t received any PIN, you can request for address verification by submitting your identity and address proof like voter ID card, Passport etc. Thank you.

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