“We are very pleased to be able to release WhatsApp updates with the feature most requested by users wherever they are, namely dark mode,” WhatsApp said on its official blog. He said the dark mode feature was designed to reduce eye strain in low light environments. They hope this feature can help prevent an uncomfortable situation when the phone illuminates the room. READ: Warning: Using Your Smartphone In The Dark Often Can Make You Blind Permanently! Further disclosed when designing the dark mode, the WhatsApp team conducted research and experiments focusing on two aspects. First, when choosing colours, can minimize eye fatigue and approach the system defaults on the iPhone and Android. Second, in order to easily focus attention, on each screen colour and design elements are chosen to ensure that the most important information looks striking. “We hope everyone will like the dark mode,” concluded the Facebook’s messaging application.

How to Activate Dark Mode on WhatsApp

This dark mode feature is already available on Android and iOS. The first step you have to do is update the WhatsApp application version 2.20.30 on the Play Store or the App Store. Keep in mind sometimes updates are sent periodically to users. Once updated, then follow how to activate the dark mode below:

For Android:

For Android users the steps are as follows:

For iPhone:

While for iPhone users, dark mode will follow the iOS display. To change the look of the iPhone into dark mode the steps are as follows: Good luck Naijaknowhow readers. More on WhatsApp:

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