Surely this is the right step for Telegram amidst many people who are unsure about WhatsApp. Because one thing which makes people lazy to move is that the chat data will be difficult to transfer to other applications. But Telegram has now provided ways to export-import chat data from WhatsApp to Telegram.

Here’s how to export chats from WhatsApp to telegram:

For Android – Open the WhatsApp application > Select the chat or group you want to move > Click the three-dot button at the top right corner of your chat > More > Export Chat > and select Telegram in the Share menu. For iOS – Open the WhatsApp application > select Contact Info / Group Info > press Export Chat > select Telegram in the Share menu.

After following the steps above, all user conversation data on WhatsApp will be transferred to Telegram including the timestamp when the message is sent. With this, would you be more interested in moving to Telegram? Share your opinion in the comments below!

How to Easily Move Chats From WhatsApp to Telegram   - 14How to Easily Move Chats From WhatsApp to Telegram   - 50How to Easily Move Chats From WhatsApp to Telegram   - 38How to Easily Move Chats From WhatsApp to Telegram   - 30How to Easily Move Chats From WhatsApp to Telegram   - 46