Like the previous year, game publisher Activision again maintained the top position in the list of best-selling games. In 2018, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 occupied the highest position, in 2019, it was the turn of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare which was ranked top. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare itself is the latest first-person shooter (FPS) game released in October 2019. Then, there is also a game made by Rockstar Games, namely Grand Theft Auto (GTA) V, which two years in a row entered the top five. In fact, this game was released long enough, in November 2014. Not only GTA V, the game Projekt Red (CDPR), The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which was launched in May 2015, also seems to be able to enter the list of best-selling games in 2019. The appearance of this game on the list could be because Netflix recently released a TV series adapted from the game, with the same name, The Witcher.

For more details, here is a list of best-selling games on the PS Store as quoted from the PlayStation Blog:

List of Best selling PS4 Games Throughout 2019  - 37List of Best selling PS4 Games Throughout 2019  - 39List of Best selling PS4 Games Throughout 2019  - 18List of Best selling PS4 Games Throughout 2019  - 91List of Best selling PS4 Games Throughout 2019  - 58