From the data, as reported previously, Samsung still ranks first in terms of the number of shipping units and market share which are both growing compared to the same period last year. In the second position, there is Huawei which also shows a similar tendency. Despite being crushed by the United States government, Strategy Analytics Executive Director Neil Mawston claimed Huawei experienced a surge in China during the quarter. Apple still ranked third with a decline in both the number of unit and market share shipments. Xiaomi and Oppo sequentially finished fourth and fifth in this Q2 2019. “Xiaomi remains in fourth place, gaining 9 percent of global market share in Q2 2019 in the same range as last year. Xiaomi remains strong in India but still has difficulty competing with Huawei in China,” said Linda Sui, director at Strategy Analytics. “Oppo ranks fifth with (rounding) 9 percent of global market share this quarter, similar to a year ago. Oppo continues to penetrate to Western Europe with models like Reno 5G but in its own country there is pressure from Huawei that continues to grow,” he said. Here are the top five rulers of the smartphone market in the world, in terms of unit shipping and market share:

List of the Top 5 Rulers of the Smartphone World Today  Q2 2019   - 97List of the Top 5 Rulers of the Smartphone World Today  Q2 2019   - 91List of the Top 5 Rulers of the Smartphone World Today  Q2 2019   - 44List of the Top 5 Rulers of the Smartphone World Today  Q2 2019   - 91List of the Top 5 Rulers of the Smartphone World Today  Q2 2019   - 67