To say that there are many things you can do in Lost Ark is an understatement. The game has been brimming with content since the start of the “ber” months. For now, we’ll focus on the latest Ark Pass and what you can expect from it.

What’s An Ark Pass?

The Ark Pass can be best described as a seasonal event in Lost Ark. It happens two or three times a year and comes with many missions you can complete. Everything you do in the game counts towards your Ark Pass progression—whether you’re finishing content dailies or spending Lost Ark currency. For this season’s Ark Pass, we can expect it to last until January 2023. During the weekly maintenance of Lost Ark, the game’s official Twitter account tweeted that players would be able to earn pirate coins, honing material selection chests, and pheons—welcoming news for players working on alts.

How Much Does the Season 2 Ark Pass Cost?

Like the previous Ark Pass, there’s a free track available for all players and two paid tiers. The paid tracks are called the Premium and Super Premium tiers. The Premium tier costs 1500 Crystals, while the Super Premium tier costs 3000.

Rewards for the Season 2 Ark Pass

You can level up the Ark Pass from 1 to 30. Each level will offer you a reward from which you can choose from two options. You’ll receive extra rewards if you’re a Premium Pass owner.

Normal/Free Ark Pass Rewards:

Level 1: 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest or 10 Any Card Pack Level 2: 1 Glory Leapstone Selection Chest or 1 Weekly Una’s Task Level 3: 3 Daily Una’s Task or 10 Healing Battle Item Chest Level 4: 3 Daily Una Instant Complete Ticket or 3 Regulus’ Light Currency Chest Level 5: 2 Legendary Epic Card Pack Level 6: 1 Glory Shard Selection Chest or 1 Epic Rapport Selection Chest Level 7: 1 Glory Support Materials Selection Chest or 3 Epic Rapport Selection Chest Level 8: 1 Legendary Rapport Selection Chest or 10 Offensive Battle Item Chest Level 9: 10 Sage Powder Chest or 3 Legendary Rapport Selection Chest Level 10: 25 Pheon Level 11: 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest or 10 Bloodclaw’s Glittering Coin Level 12: 1 Glory Fusion Material Selection Chest or 10 Bloodclaw’s Glittering Coin Level 13: 10 Utility Battle Item Chest or 3 Rest Sailing Coin Selection Chest Level 14: 5 Rest Sailing Coin Selection Chest or 3 Regulus’ Light Currency Chest Level 15: 1 Special Glory Leapstone Selection Chest Level 16: 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest or 3 Dye of Rest Reagents Chest Level 17: 1 Glory Leapstone Selection Chest or 1,000 Jam Cookies Level 18: 10 Buff Battle Item Chest or 10 Arcane Battery Level 19: 1 Rest Dispatch Seal Selection Chest or 5 Regulus’ Light Currency Chest Level 20: 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest Level 21: 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest or 3 Dye of Rest Reagents Chest Level 22: 1 Glory Support Material Selection Chest or 10 Leap’s Essence Level 23: 1 Glory Shard Selection Chest or 3 Epic Trade Skill Tools Selection Chest Level 24: 20 Sage Powder Chest or 3 Epic Trade Skill Tools Selection Chest Level 25: 1 Special Glory Support Materials Selection Chest Level 26: 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest or 3 Dye of Rest Reagents Chest Level 27: 1 Glory Fusion Material Selection Chest or 3 Any Card Pack Level 28: 1 Glory Shard Selection Chest or 5 Any Card Pack Level 29: 3 Legendary/Epic Card Pack or 5 Regulus’ Light Currency Chest Level 30: 1 Legendary Card Pack or 25 Pheon

Premium/Super Premium Ark Pass Rewards:

Level 1: 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest Level 2: 1 Glory Leapstone Selection Chest Level 3: 10 Healing Battle Item Chest Level 4: 2 T3 Gem Chest (Level 1-3) Level 5: 2 Legendary/Epic Card Pack and 1 Void Hall Wallpaper (for Super Premium owners only) Level 6: 1 Glory Shard Selection Chest Level 7: 1 Glory Support Materials Selection Chest Level 8: 10 Offensive Battle Item Chest Level 9: 2 T3 Gem Chest (Level 1-3) Level 10: 1 Special Glory Honing Material Selection Chest and 1 Respite and Glory Headwear Selection Chest (for Super Premium owners only) Level 11: 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest Level 12: 1 Glory Fusion Material Selection Chest Level 13: 10 Utility Battle Item Chest Level 14: 2 T3 Gem Chest (Level 1-3) Level 15: 1 Special Glory Leapstone Selection Chest and 1 Respite and Glory Chestpiece Selection Chest (for Super Premium owners only) Level 16: 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest Level 17: 2 Glory Leapstone Selection Chest Level 18: 10 Buff Battle Item Chest Level 19: 2 T3 Gem Chest (Level 1-3) Level 20: 1 Special Glory Honing Material Selection Chest and 1 Respite and Glory Pants Selection Chest (for Super Premium owners only) Level 21: 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest Level 22: 1 Glory Support Material Selection Chest Level 23: 1 Glory Shard Selection Chest Level 24: 3 T3 Gem Chest (Level 1-3) Level 25: 5 Legendary/Epic Card Pack and 1 x Respite and Glory Weapon Selection Chest (for Super Premium owners only) Level 26: 1 Glory Honing Material Selection Chest Level 27: 1 Glory Fusion Material Selection Chest Level 28: 1 Glory Shard Selection Chest Level 29: 3 T3 Gem Chest (Level 1-3) Level 30: 1 Icebloom Deer Selection Chest and 1 Legendary Card Pack (for Super Premium owners only)

What Players Think of the Ark Pass

Despite the Season 2 Ark Pass aiming to bring players plenty of rewards, the community isn’t so supportive of it. Players who only use the free version of Ark Pass are frustrated because it is difficult for them to gain Lost Ark currency without paying. Meanwhile, others accuse the multiple paid tiers of being egregious forms of monetization and fueling the pay-to-win narrative that’s been going on since Lost Ark’s release. The developers have yet to confront these claims, but for now, players on the free tier will have to make do with the measly benefits they get.

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