Designed by Qualcomm, Snapdragon 735 is said to be produced by Samsung by utilising the 7nm EUV LLP or Low Power Plus process. For information, the lower the process number, the higher the number of transistors that can be embedded in integrated circuits. By adding the number of transistors, the chip will be more powerful but more efficient when it comes to energy consumption. In 2020, both Samsung and TSMC will begin the 5nm chip production process in its production line. Meanwhile, EUV stands for Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, a technology that allows marking the chip for more accurate transistor insertion, so that more transistors can be immersed on the chip. Snapdragon 735 is also housed with eight cores, accompanied by a pair of Cortex-A76 cores, tasked with handling heavy duties. Whereas the six Cortex-A55 cores are in charge of handling lighter tasks. The Cortex-A55 core is reported to have a 1.73 GHz speed and two high-performance 2.26 GHz and 2.32 GHz GHz high-speed cores. If this rumour is true, then Snapdragon 735 will be equipped with GPU Adreno 620 and supports 12GB RAM and 4K video recording at 60fps. Another rumour says that Snapdragon 735 is ready to support 5G network connectivity, meaning that this fifth-generation cellular network will be available on more devices at affordable price offers. However, Qualcomm has not yet announced official information related to this component. Snapdragon 735 will replace the Snapdragon 730 which is manufactured using the 8nm process and supported by the Adreno 618 GPU. A number of features on the chipset includes support for the new Wi-Fi 6 standard and Qualcomm AI Engine Multi-core, it is also believed that a number of parties will support Snapdragon 735. Earlier this year, Qualcomm had revealed that they would present 5G support in the middle-class chipset line, the 700 series and the 600 series.

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