Interestingly, these two devices are said to be powered by Snapdragon 855 but are priced at a cheaper price than the flagship that usually uses the chipset. This news came from the famous gadget leaker, Steve Hemmerstoffer. Through his @OnLeaks Twitter account, he said that Samsung was working on two smartphones with model numbers SM-A905 and SM-A908. Initially, he said that the two smartphones will be included in the new Galaxy R series, but then he revised his statement and confirmed that the two devices would be launched as part of the Galaxy A line, the Galaxy A90 and Galaxy A90 5G versions.

Phone Arena launches, both the Galaxy A90 and the 5G A90 are expected to carry a 6.7-inch AMOLED screen. Inside this screen is embedded a fingerprint sensor as one of the security features. In addition, the two smartphones are reportedly going to have three rear cameras with a resolution that is thought to be similar to the Galaxy A80, which is 48MP, 12MP, and 5MP. Although not yet certain when the two devices will be released, a number of rumours say that the Galaxy A90 and A90 5G will be priced at a cheaper price than the Galaxy S10e. In comparison, the lowest variant of the Galaxy S10e with 6GB of RAM and 128 GB of storage is priced at around US $750 (approx. N271,000 naira). While the Galaxy A90 duo is expected to be sold at a price of US $ 600 (approx. N217,000 naira) to US $ 650 (approx. N235,000 naira). Although carrying the Snapdragon 855 flagship class chipset, the Galaxy A90 duo might cut a number of reliable features that can be found on the Galaxy S10 line such as premium glass coating and ultrasonic fingerprint scanner. Latest Samsung Galaxy A Series Devices: Samsung Galaxy A10 | Samsung Galaxy A20 | Samsung Galaxy A30 | Samsung Galaxy a40 | Samsung Galaxy a40s | Samsung Galaxy A50 | Samsung Galaxy A60 | Samsung Galaxy A70 | Samsung Galaxy A80

Samsung Galaxy A90 to Use Snapdragon 855 and 5G   - 27Samsung Galaxy A90 to Use Snapdragon 855 and 5G   - 21Samsung Galaxy A90 to Use Snapdragon 855 and 5G   - 95Samsung Galaxy A90 to Use Snapdragon 855 and 5G   - 90Samsung Galaxy A90 to Use Snapdragon 855 and 5G   - 56