The precise location of the factory is in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. As a result of this move, Samsung will delve more into the production of cheaper smartphones. For the most, this factory is expected to increase the smartphone production in India by 50%. Also, the output of smartphones from the factory is estimated by Samsung to hit 120 million in three years. This will also add more employment opportunities as 5,000 employees need to be hired. Initially, Samsung boasted of 67 million devices produced on the Indian soil. Speaking further on the development, one of the Korean giant’s official said, Previously, only refrigerators and TVs were produced at the location before the smartphone plant kicked in. In 2007, this same Noida factory started the production of smartphones. Currently, we can see the outcome of the $700 million expansion plan. Samsung is one of the top mobile brands in India, and with this, they edging closer to taking the topmost slot in the country’s mobile market. More on Samsung:

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