In this case, Telegram doesn’t want its users to be disappointed because the chats in other applications are left behind when moving to Telegram. When this feature is released, users can divert chats from other messaging applications including private and group chats to Telegram in an easy way. The users don’t need to start the chat again from scratch. So with this feature, Whatsapp application users are asked not to hesitate to turn to Telegram. However, 9to5Mac noted that the update was quickly followed up by another update where the feature was later removed. It is possible that the Telegram import feature is not ready, but it will be a good feature that Telegram users are looking forward to.

Telegram Offers Import Chat Feature from Other Applications  - 17Telegram Offers Import Chat Feature from Other Applications  - 19Telegram Offers Import Chat Feature from Other Applications  - 53Telegram Offers Import Chat Feature from Other Applications  - 21Telegram Offers Import Chat Feature from Other Applications  - 52