And there’s nothing more frustrating than watching a video and realizing that it could be better but not being sure why. You can only fix a mistake if you know what it is. Video editing mistakes can be the bane of your existence or a source of delight and wonder. It all depends on how you handle them. We’ll take you through some of the most common video editing issues and how to fix them!

The Most Common Video Editing Mistakes and How To Fix Them

1. Not planning enough

Suppose you’ve ever tried to shoot a video without doing any planning ahead of time. In that case, chances are good that you had ended up with some pretty lousy footage—or at least footage that could have been better if only someone had been thinking about it before and after filming. The solution: Before you start shooting anything, take some time to write down what kinds of shots or scenes you want in your video. This will help ensure that when you’re out on location, you know exactly what’s expected of you and those around you. It also helps keep everyone focused on getting things done. Having a clear story and goal is also vital before shooting. What do you want your audience to take away from watching? Do you want your viewers to laugh? Learn something? Establish the goal and the audience, and create your content with them in mind!

2. Not taking advantage of the tools available to you.

Video editing software is great because it lets us do so many things—but we don’t always take advantage of all those tools! There are many ways we could make our videos better that would make our videos more engaging and easier for people to watch! How about adding some text overlays? Or could you add transitions between clips? Or maybe there’s something else entirely that would make your video look better. Don’t be afraid to experiment! As far as tools go, there’s no wrong answer. Programs like Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Final Cut Pro X, or Avid Media Composer all come with powerful editing tools that will make your life easier! You can also experiment with other editing tools like DaVinci Resolve or iMovie and see which one works best for you (you can download iMovie for PC if you don’t have a Mac).

3. Poor audio

The first thing people will notice about your video is the sound quality. Don’t underestimate your public – people can spot poor audio quality. If your audio is too loud, it can be challenging for viewers to hear what you’re saying. If it’s too soft, they won’t be able to understand you. Also, think about whether or not you want to minimize some background noise – this will depend on the type of video you’re making.

You can fix audio WHILE filming. As a general rule, the less background noise there is, the better! (some exceptions apply). If there’s some background noise that can’t be avoided (like traffic), try using a windscreen or external microphones that aren’t built into your camera or phone—they’ll pick up less background noise and give you better sound quality overall! But if you haven’t been paying much attention while filming, you can always control your audio in post by using noise-reduction software like Audacity or Adobe Audition so that the background noise is minimized or removed altogether. Record voice-over audio separately and combine it with other footage later during post-production editing, so you have more control over audio levels in your final product!

4. Not using the right music for your video

This is a major one; we’re not just talking about copyright issues. You need to find the right kind of music—one that’s not too cheesy or upbeat but isn’t too low-key and boring. It should match the tone of your video and feel like it fits with the overall message you’re trying to convey.

If you choose wisely, the music you use can enhance the meaning behind what you’re trying to say. It’s essential also to be consistent when it comes to this, but switch appropriately.

5. Improper jump cuts

Jump cuts have a lot more uses than you might expect. You can use them to:

cover up any stumbles shorten the video and only get the essential info bring attention to something add energy and hype

The first mistake is when your video cuts off abruptly. This can be a real problem if you’re trying to convey information in an entertaining way—often, people will stop watching your videos if you have awkward cuts at random moments. The best way to fix this problem is by adding fades and other transitions between scenes, so everything flows smoothly. But this can backfire too if your transitions are too harsh and discrepant. For example, it would be best to use a small focus area when cutting, so your video won’t make people feel too dizzy at the end. You can get creative with jump cuts, so don’t just stick to the basics. Some people prefer to avoid jump cuts altogether by using a b-roll and filming the same scene from different perspectives/ angles.

6. Not being consistent

When editing your video, consistency is key! If one scene looks different from another, it can be jarring for viewers and cause them to lose interest in what’s happening on screen. If your shots are all over the place, they will feel disjointed when put together as part of a narrative arc. All of these elements have to remain constant throughout your video:

The font you’re going to be using The editing you’ve done and the “look” of the video – that is, the colour correcting and colour grading should be the same in every scene. The overall tone of voice

That way, everything flows together smoothly from start to finish!

7. Not having enough footage for your project.

If you’re trying to create a short film and don’t have enough material, you will want to ensure that every scene serves a purpose in moving the story along rather than just being there because you filmed it. This can help avoid an “episodic” feel that viewers tend not to enjoy. Fix: Think about how each scene relates to the story, and try connecting them with transitions or effects that reinforce this connection (like dissolves or wipes). This will help create cohesion and keep those random scenes feeling less random!

8. Incorrect aspect ratio

Suppose your footage is not properly formatted for the aspect ratio of your project (such as 16:9 or 4:3). In that case, it can appear distorted when played back on different devices or screens with different aspect ratios (such as laptops versus tablets). A distorted image is distracting and can ruin the flow of your video. It’s like putting on pants that are too short or too long—they don’t fit right and make you look silly. To avoid this, ensure your video editor is set up correctly before you start editing. And if you already made a mistake and want to fix it, you can adjust the aspect ratio settings in your preferred editing software.

9. Not having enough RAM

This is a mistake that people make all the time: thinking that they have enough memory to edit a video. The truth is that, if you’re going to be editing lots of videos, adding more RAM will make your life so much easier. If you’re working with RAW footage or 4K video, you’ll want to make sure you have at least 16GB of RAM in your computer.

Final Thoughts

Video editing is a tricky art. It’s easy to get lost in the process and make mistakes that can ruin your entire project. Whether you’re editing for the first time or haven’t been doing it for a while, it always helps to follow these video editing tips for beginners. Whenever in doubt, you can take a more in-depth course to perfect your skills. There’s no such thing as too much learning when it comes to editing.

The Most Common Video Editing Mistakes and How To Fix Them  - 97The Most Common Video Editing Mistakes and How To Fix Them  - 35The Most Common Video Editing Mistakes and How To Fix Them  - 80The Most Common Video Editing Mistakes and How To Fix Them  - 88The Most Common Video Editing Mistakes and How To Fix Them  - 76