But now many vendors have promised to provide support for their devices for up to three years, and now Vivo is implementing it for its flagship smartphones. Yes, this smartphone vendor from China has just announced that its flagship smartphone launched in July 2021 will come with Android update support for up to three years. “We continue to bring innovations to users. With this, we promise customers that they can enjoy premium smartphones for a certain time and benefit from the latest software updates,” said Vivo Senior VP and CTO, Yujian Shi, quoted from Ubergizmo. Vivo itself said that this new policy would be implemented in the European, Australian and Indian markets. However, this does not mean that areas that Vivo do not mention will be left alone by Vivo. It is known that Vivo will continue to provide Android security updates for several years, but when it comes to major Android updates, things are different. Certainly, this is expected to make other vendors follow this step and provide support for their Android operating system in a longer and more consistent manner to satisfy its users.

Vivo Promises up to 3 Years of Android Updates for Its Flagship Smartphones  - 42Vivo Promises up to 3 Years of Android Updates for Its Flagship Smartphones  - 8Vivo Promises up to 3 Years of Android Updates for Its Flagship Smartphones  - 95Vivo Promises up to 3 Years of Android Updates for Its Flagship Smartphones  - 83Vivo Promises up to 3 Years of Android Updates for Its Flagship Smartphones  - 38