But there has just been a new report from Android Police which says that the latest beta version of WhatsApp brings a feature that has caught the attention of many people. Comes with the name ‘view once’, it is known that this feature allows users to send messages that can only be read once by other users. So for example, if this feature is used, certain messages, photos, or videos that are displayed can only be viewed once before the message is automatically deleted. It is stated that to find out whether a message has the ‘view once’ feature or not, users will be given a notification telling them if the message they want to open is a message that can only be viewed once. However, it is not known whether this feature can also prevent users from taking screenshots or not. It will be quite impressive if there is a warning that the message read by the user cannot be screenshotted or recorded. We’ll see when the feature will be rolled out to the stable version of WhatsApp. What do you think, write your opinion about this feature in the comments!

WhatsApp Tests the Message Feature That Can Only Be Seen Once   - 9WhatsApp Tests the Message Feature That Can Only Be Seen Once   - 82WhatsApp Tests the Message Feature That Can Only Be Seen Once   - 30WhatsApp Tests the Message Feature That Can Only Be Seen Once   - 59WhatsApp Tests the Message Feature That Can Only Be Seen Once   - 20